Monday, August 12, 2013

Did Chemical Warfare Cause the Influenza Epidemic of 1918?

World War I was known for two things.......the development of chemical warfare using such agents as Lewisite and Mustard Gas......and for the development of propaganda to control the population during wartime.

Was the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 not caused by the "influenza virus" ....but by chemical warfare  instead?   The global pandemic of 1918 was known as the "Spanish Influenza" or the "Plague of the Spanish Lady" and these labels are indicators that the "influenza" pandemic of 1918 was a tool for political and military gain.....shortly after the Spanish-American War......and Spain controlling access to the Mediteranean Sea and many resources stored in that region....when the US was rising to global supremacy.

The problem surfaced in 1918 during World War I when the US Surgeon General diagnosed.....misdiagnosed....... the first case of "influenza" in the world as "meningitis" instead of "influenza"........"meningitis" a neurological crisis that can cause neurological convulsions...... The US Surgeon General did not diagnose the first case as an acute upper respiratory illness of an epidemiological course of several weeks, as described in the definition of "influenza" in medical literature today and through the 20th century .....the very young and very old most susceptible to "influenza"....But the 1918 pandemic targeted young adults in the prime of their lives, as those in the military.

Instead, the 1918 pandemic defied the standard definitions of "influenza" in medical literature throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.  It is time that we investigate that some do not cause a deadly pandemic for the many in the investigation to protect the innocent.

The signs and symptoms of the 1918 pandemic did not match the definition of "influenza" at all in 1918 nor through the 20th or 21st centuries......the symptoms of 1918 were documented in much of the literature as primarily sudden, unexplained onset with filling of the lungs with blood immediately, neurological convulsions, bluing of the skin with pustules and sometimes (often?) death within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms, hitting young adults in the prime of their life the hardest, primarily in military barracks and military ships and harbors and the battle fields.   That pandemic ceased immediately after the Armistice was signed in November, 1918, causing an immediate drop in incidence .....when a viral epidemic would show a much more gradual curve.....clear evidence that the global epidemic was engineered for military and political gain.

A review of literature has exposed some stunning findings that reveal clear evidence that chemical warfare most likely caused the 1918 pandemic instead of an "influenza virus" that was only "discovered" 15 years after the pandemic in 1933 when Hitler seized power in Germany........the origin of the word, "virus" meaning "poison" in Latin.  Perhaps we need to reexamine our use of the word, "virus"....  Hitler was actively seeking chemical tools to control populations, and the "discovery" of a "virus" that means "poison" in Latin means that we need to question if this "discovery" as an attempt to legitimatize the use of chemical warfare in 1918.   Hitler used chemical warfare on his own people in World War II in his concentration camps, using scientists to document the symptomatology of those agents.   If we do not expose this conspiracy of 1918, then we are increasing the chances of preventable deadly attacks on future generations.

Germany had first developed chemical warfare agents such as Lewisite and Mustard Gas in 1914 and then the United States also developed chemical warfare agents also throughout WWI.   Chemical warfare agents were banned after WWI because the effects were too cruel....but numerous events since then could be explained by chemical causes.   Unfortunately, Dick Cheney has limited knowledge of toxins in a community to the corporate databases of industries that emit toxic agents on that community, making it a crime to release information about the toxics in that community (or the symptomatology).

The 1918 symptoms point to chemical warfare such as Lewisite and Mustard Gas developed in WWI as a cause of the 1918 pandemic more than a viral or bacterial agent:

* 1918 neurological symptoms primary ....and the primary symptoms of chemical "nerve agents" include neurological impairment, disability, convulsions and death.....sudden convulsions and death primary symptoms in 1918....

* 1918 sudden filling of lungs with bloody edema with death within 6 hours is not a symptom of "influenza"...."influenza" that would cause respiratory symptoms much more gradually over weeks instead.....not convulsions and death suddenly within 6 hours

* 1918 sudden filling of lungs with bloody edema with death within 6 hours are signs and symptoms of a physical agent, a trauma such as exposure to Lewisite or Mustard Gas.......not a gradual buildup of epidemiological symptoms of microbiological agents over a week or more

* 1918 respiratory symptoms caused by chemical warfare, by filling of the lungs with blood; of course that would cause respiratory symptoms and difficulty breathing, sudden suffocation instead of difficulty breathing and coughing caused by a "virus" or "bacteria" agents

* 1918 sudden filling of lungs with bloody edema would be an immediate symptom of inhalation of "nerve gases" that were dispersed through the air and breathed into the lungs of victims, "nerve gases" engineered to destroy human tissue including fragile tissues of the lungs, causing bleeds into the lungs

* 1918 bluish "cyanosis" of the skin with pustules/blisters would also be a symptom of contact with chemical warfare agents in the air because one of the primary symptoms of chemical warfare agents is "blistering"......

* 1918 bluish "cyanosis" of the skin with pustules also from inhalation and absorption of the nerve agent into the body and disruption of metabolism, causing cyanosis and pustules, blisters, cyanosis a sign that chemical agent is replacing oxygen as O2 on haemoglobin in the blood, suffocating the victim as O2 cannot reach the body's cells to keep the victim alive

* 1918 other symptoms of metabolites of chemical warfare

* 1918 epidemiology focused on military and enclosed locations such as barracks and ship holds, targets of military operatives

* 1918 epidemiology focused on young adults in the prime of their life instead of hitting the very young and very old who are usually the victims of "influenza" as defined through the 20th and 21st centuries

* 20th century studies on links between "influenza" and "schizophrenia".....another neurological consequence of chemical warfare or toxic exposures?

* 20th century medicine obsessed with "bacterial" and "viral" illness/disease because these causes can be treated by pharmaceutical medicines for profit, our cash-driven "economy" profit-driven......

* Our economy in the 20th and 21st century has valued privatized profiteering and cash-flow floods for the private sector more than public health now and generations from now

* 20th century medicine obsessed with "bacterial" and "viral" illness/disease because scientists made amazing discoveries in the 20th century and at the end of the 19th century that saved many lives that possibly seemed like miracles.....

* Many scientists and media and populations ignore chemical causes of illnesses because many assume erroneously that clean-up and prevention of toxic illnesses will cause reduced private profits .....without accounting for long-term public costs for the self and others.....causing a toxic holocaust

* The word, "virus" means "poison" in we need to ask if the diagnosis of "virus" epidemiologically is actually an epidemiological event resulting from toxic exposures in the community, either from air currents or surface water or groundwater or other flows

* The definition of the word "influenza" refers to the Latin meaning "influence of the stars" ....or changes in atmospheric conditions.....that could explain the epidemiological changes and shifts geographically in "influenza" events through history, changing climate conditions that shifts pollutants, toxins and chemical warfare from one geographical area to linking disease data with atmospheric data and patterns through time and space....for influenza events through history (even in ancient times)

* The military even used chemical warfare in ancient times to conquer populations, so we need to examine the records of those times to find links between the chemical weapons used and descriptive symptomatology in the population through time and prevent the use of cruel chemical warfare in the prevent toxic holocausts

* 1918 victims were found to have bacteria in their throats that physicians and others that were classified as "Haemophilus influenzae" in 1918......and that bacteria in 1918 was blamed for the pandemic in 1918.   But later studies revealed that this bacteria was only a secondary infection due to the primary condition of the patient.  Secondary infections are common because of the patient's lowered ability to maintain homeostasis.   Still in the late 20th century and early 21st century, many even in the medical field still assume that the bacteria "Haemophilus influenzae" is the cause of "the flu" in the United States....  But they are wrong and the medical literature blames a wide variety of "influenza viruses" for the annual events that sell "influenza vaccines" and medicines for pharmaceutical profits

* The term, "influenza" or "flu" is probably the most misused or misdiagnosed term in medicine and in the general population, businesses, institutions, government in the US in the 20th and 21st centuries.   Many people and institutions regularly and automatically classify absences from school or work as "the flu" without visiting a physician or medical office for a medical diagnosis.   Verification of the serotype is not common when a patient is diagnosed.   Physicians sometimes assume that a bacteria has caused the symptoms and if unable to identify a bacteria, "virus" becomes the default diagnosis.   But the word, "virus" means "poison" in Latin.  

* We need a better system of accounting for symptom severity, progression and classification to rework our medical classification system (such as the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10) to first identify and describe the sign and symptom paradigm in detail before throwing a label on it. ....and reanalyzing our classifications for our modern world's signs and symptoms and causes.    Many of our standardized diagnosis were engineered in a different time and place that probably does not fit the evolution of signs and symptoms or diagnosis classifications in the 21st century.   Our medical classification systems are inadequate for both qualifying and quantifying the changing epidemiological landscapes caused by the thousands of toxics released into our environment every day without regulation or research. .....especially the respiratory classifications that group most into unknown causes of "idiopathic" causes.....or don't even cite causes.    Usually tests for epidemiological safety are based only on a small and quick lab cytology test on an animal.....and does not indicate how an entire population through geographical areas or time is going to react through generations.

* The serotype to identify the "influenza virus" is based on the detection of antigens in the patient's body.....but chemical agents can also cause antigens.   Our medical system has not developed that technology for public use, however.

* It is possible that annual flu vaccination campaigns are based more on profit-motive than actual threats of an "influenza virus"......Could this be a profit-driven campaign?

* Other epidemics such as the SARS and AIDS epidemics should be investigated as artificially caused

* 1918 was also a time of great inventions such as the automobile and the airplane and industrial factories that all used petroleum-based fossil fuels of great toxicity and no legal restrictions on rates or quantities or types of emissions into the that epidemiologists do not have the critical data that they need to analyze clusters of illnesses or causes at that time in history, such as in 1918

* War has become big business in America, especially after the Federal Reserve became privatized in 1914 (check details) that war manufactures more cashflow for private industry than does public health.   Our economy also needs to count long term, public costs difficult to count......and the real costs of war.....and the real benefits of peace.....and the real productivity of nature's green ecological systems, logical economies that produce the critical flows that keep humans alive day to day and minute to minute.  Unfortunately, private industrial corporations have seized control of our nation's capitol to dictate cash-driven economics and devaluation and destruction of nature's critical watersheds that can cleanse and produce both air, water and soil for public health and productivity.

* 1918 pandemic still a mystery for the medical community:  The medical community today still cannot explain these troubling inconsistencies, and the reference of possible and potential "pandemics" caused by H1N1, the "virus" blamed for the 1918 pandemic is far-fetched because viral strains change rapidly through time, so it is highly unlikely that a virus would  return to a previous form.   The use of the "H1N1 virus" may be a tool to cause fear to control populations.

* 1918 pandemic symptoms hit a village in Alaska that not had contact with the outside....evidence of atmospheric drift of disease-causing agents such as chemical warfare.........and researchers have unearthed victims to study the "influenza virus" for research at the University of Iowa......

* 1918 German U-Boats off the eastern US Coast could have released chemical agents, one of the targets ships in harbor

We need to ask if chemical warfare could have caused the Influenza Epidemic of 1918 and if propaganda was used systematically to misinform, to distort and block reporting, analysis and historical recording of one of the three largest plagues in world history (the 3 largest plagues until President Reagan's AIDS epidemic).....for military and political control of the many by a few

We have a moral and legal obligation to prevent the use of chemical warfare to cause disability, disease and death in entire populations.   The evidence has become overwhelming that the use of disease has been used as a military weapon in numerous cases.

The symptoms of the 1918 pandemic did not match the definition of "influenza" throughout the 20th century, between 1918 and today.....and we need to redefine the words, "influenza" or "flu" and "economy" to set history straight.

The evidence has become overwhelming that the Influenza Epidemic of 1918, the "Spanish Flu" was caused by chemical warfare instead of an "influenza virus" that had not even been discovered until 1933 when Hitler seized control in Germany........and the word "virus" means "poison" in Latin.....evidence of a conspiracy to attack the innocent.

Our nation and world cannot afford to crush the many for profit of war profiteers.

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